Jigging, popping, spinning,…

Jigs and poppers are terribly efficient on the drop off for monsters : GT's, doguies, wahoo, big groupers, jacks, jobfish, Spanish mackerel,…

Reef Fishing is along the main reef, passes sides, and all drop off inshore and offshore in 50 - 80 metre deep

Nice GT catched close to Yenghébane Island. Just few seconds out of the water for a photo then release to the ocean. This fish showing was about 25 kg weight.
Along the drop off, it's genuinely frequent catching a 30-40kg GT in your fishing stay.

Fishing gear

Photo : few popper's model
To have any luck landing huge fish on board, you should be well equiped with a top fishing gear.. I recommend :
- Popping rod, model GT86 (80/100lb), length : 2.30 2.60 metres.
- Jigging rod, (80/100lb), length : 1.60 – 1.90 metres
- Reel : only top class high performance, ratio and maximum braid capacity.
- Braid : top quality 65 – 130lbs
- Leader : 150 – 200lb minimum
- Lures : Poppers rigged with 4x hooks and high resistance split rings. Jigs from 120 to 500g weight (fast sinking)

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