Hunting in New-Caledonia

Climate : In this fresh season, temperatures are pleasant and vary along the day descending to 10°C in early morning and increasing to 28°C during the day. There is few rainfall during this
Period of the year.

Best rusa deer hunting period : In the Southern Hemisphere, the best deer hunt period begins from mid-July to early October. The rut period is from mid July till first days of October and with the peak of the rut being August .

Hunting dress : Light clothes, bush resistant pants, good hunting shoes. It is good to provide warm clothing for early morning and evening due to the low temperatures could be fall to 8 -10°C.
Beware of the sun, a cap is necessary.

Biotope : The Rusa deer hunting is mainly in areas of savanna and dry forest. 
 territories are hilly, offering beautiful landscape between mountains and lagoon!

Game : 
Rusa deer, whose biggest stags may exceed sometimes 150kg , wild pig, wild turkey whose parade is observed sensibly at the same period of the stag's rut.
Wildfowl : wild ducks, "Anas superciliosa pelewensis" and "Anas gibberifrons gracilis".

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