Fly fishing on the flats


Due to tides, most of Flats are wading fishable from mid March to the end of September. In February and October, there are only few days fishable.
April, May, June, July, August and September are the best months in the year ; then all flats are wading fishable.
The rest of the year, bonefish are fishable from boat.

Main flats…

- 7 flats located on the West Coast,
"Boat-Pass", "Tié", "Yenghébane South", "Yenghébane North", Tâânlo", "Maa", "Témayé".
- 4 flats located on the East Coast,
"St Phalle", "Balabio", "Daac Mali", "Maa La Ro"
→ Balabio's flat is really unless, that is 25 kilometre long!

Main fish species found on the flats…

- Bonefish (Albula glossondota)
Albula Glossodonta is the biggest bonefish of Albula species
→Average weight bones hooked in New Caledonia : 7- 8 lbs
10 lbs bonefish are not rare

- Giant Trevally (GT, Caranx ignobilis)

→ There are few permit in New Caledonia…

Fishing gear/tackles recommended

- Fly fishing rod : 9 or 10wt fast action saltwater for big bones (JMC SPM or JMC Lagon) and trevallies and 12wt spare rod for a GT on the flat.
- Large arbor saltwater fly fishing reel
- WF floating or low sinking tip Fly line
- 250 or 300yds of 20lbs or 30lbs ultra thin Backing
- 9 feet 12 to 20lbs fluorocarbon leader/tippet (one piece)
- Favourite bone's flies, Crazy Charlie (tan), Christmas Island Special, Gotcha (tan), small crab patterns (tan) hooks, #4 and #6

Inshore fly fishing

We fish the lagoon, drop off, along and around the rocks, boomies, under the birds chasing and also different good special "secret" spots.

Main fish species found in the North lagoon:
- Spanish mackerel,
- Mackerel tuna, Kawakawa
- Skipjack tuna
- Bonito
- Kawakawa, Mackerel tuna
- GT,
- Groupers,
- Queenfish,
- Milkfish,
- Barracuda,
- ……

Fishing gear/tackles
- 12wt or 13wt fly rod
- Wire tippet (many Spanish mackerel in this region)
- Big flies (poppers, deceiver, clousers,… ) tied with high quality hooks

Blue water fly fishing

We go fishing blue water along the main reef, passes,…

Main fish species found

- Wahoo
- Dog tooth tuna
- Maï maï (Dorado, dolphinfish)
- Groupers
- Marlin
- Pacific Sailfish
- Bonito
- Kawakawa, Mackerel tuna

In the same section